Appreciation Plaque Wording Examples

In the world of recognition, All Time Awards understands that nothing speaks louder than a well-crafted plaque of appreciation. Whether it’s to honor an employee’s dedication or a volunteer’s efforts, the right words can make a lasting impact. In this blog post we will share with you five wording ideas to consider for your next appreciation plaque. Ensure your message are both heartfelt and memorable and continue reading.

appreciation award

Simple & Sincere

Sometimes, less is more. A straightforward and sincere message can be incredibly powerful. Here are some examples:

  • “In Grateful Recognition of Your Outstanding Service and Dedication. Thank You!”
  • “With Deepest Appreciation for Your Unwavering Commitment and Service.”
  • “Thank You for Your Exceptional Efforts and Dedication.”
  • “In Honor of Your Tireless Efforts and Dedication.”
  • “For Your Continued Support and Unmatched Commitment.”
  • “In Recognition of Your Hard Work and Dedication.”

This wording is perfect for an appreciation plaque that aims to convey gratitude without overwhelming the recipient with too many words. It’s clear, concise, and straight to the point.

Highlighting Achievements

When recognizing specific achievements, it’s important to mention them directly. This approach not only acknowledges the effort but also highlights the significance of their contributions. Here are some examples:

  • “Presented to [Recipient’s Name] for Your Exceptional Leadership and Innovation in Driving Our Success.”
  • “For Your Outstanding Achievements and Remarkable Contributions to Our Success.”
  • “To [Recipient’s Name], For Leading Us to New Heights with Your Innovation and Dedication.”
  • “In Honor of Your Exceptional Achievements and Unwavering Dedication to Excellence.”

This appreciation plaque wording is ideal for awards that celebrate significant milestones or accomplishments within an organization.

Personalized Messages

Adding a personal touch can make an appreciation award even more special. Personalization can include the recipient’s name, specific contributions, and the impact of their efforts. Here are some examples:

  • “To [Recipient’s Name], Your Commitment and Passion Have Transformed Our Community. With Deepest Appreciation, [Your Organization’s Name].”
  • “With Gratitude to [Recipient’s Name], Your Efforts Have Made a Lasting Impact at [Your Organization’s Name].”
  • “In Honor of [Recipient’s Name], Whose Dedication and Vision Have Been Instrumental to Our Growth.”
  • “To [Recipient’s Name], Your Passion and Dedication Are Truly Inspiring.”
  • “With Heartfelt Appreciation to [Recipient’s Name] for Your Significant Contributions and Dedication.”
  • “To [Recipient’s Name], Your Exceptional Commitment and Passion Have Made All the Difference.

This type of wording for an appreciation plaque not only honors the individual but also strengthens the bond between the recipient and the organization.

Inspiring Quotes

Incorporating a meaningful quote can add an inspiring element to the plaque of appreciation. Choose a quote that resonates with the recipient’s values and contributions. Here are some examples:

  • “Presented to [Recipient’s Name], ‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.’ – Mahatma Gandhi”
  • “In Honor of [Recipient’s Name], ‘Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.’ – William James. With Sincere Gratitude for Your Impactful Work.”
  • “Presented to [Recipient’s Name], ‘The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.’ – Oscar Wilde. In Recognition of Your Compassionate Service.”
  • “To [Recipient’s Name], ‘Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.’ – Helen Keller. Thank You for Your Team Spirit and Dedication.”
  • “In Grateful Recognition of [Recipient’s Name], ‘What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.’ – Jane Goodall. Thank You for Your Impactful Work.”
  • “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.’ – Jimmy Johnson. Thank You for Going Above and Beyond [Recipient’s Name].”
  • “Presented to [Recipient’s Name], ‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do.’ – Steve Jobs. Thank You for Your Passion and Dedication.”
  • “To [Recipient’s Name], ‘Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.’ – Simon Sinek. For Your Exceptional Leadership.”
  • “Presented to [Recipient’s Name], ‘Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.’ – Ralph Marston. Thank You for Your Exceptional Attitude and Efforts.”

Quotes can elevate the appreciation plaque wording, making the message timeless and memorable.

Expressing Gratitude

Expressing heartfelt gratitude is always appreciated. This approach focuses on the emotional impact of the recipient’s contributions. Here are some examples:

  • “With Our Deepest Gratitude, We Present This Plaque of Appreciation to [Recipient’s Name] for Your Unwavering Support and Dedication.”
  • “In Deep Appreciation of Your Exceptional Support and Dedication. Thank You, [Recipient’s Name].”
  • “To [Recipient’s Name], With Sincere Thanks for Your Incredible Contributions and Commitment.”
  • “With Heartfelt Gratitude to [Recipient’s Name], for Your Unwavering Support and Exceptional Dedication.”

This thank you plaque wording is perfect for those who have gone above and beyond, making a significant impact through their support and dedication.


Crafting the perfect verbiage for an appreciation plaque involves balancing sincerity, personalization, and recognition. The key is to ensure the message is genuine and reflective of the recipient’s contributions. With these five ideas, you’re well on your way to creating an appreciation plaque that will be cherished for years to come.

If you are interested in our plaque awards, contact us at All Time Awards. We are your plaque award experts. We can be best reached by phone at (858)277-4165 or you can click here to contact us via our online form. To view our shop click here.